Marie Stopes

Without proper access to contraception – shockingly – 214 million women around the world still don’t have a choice over when and whether they have children. And large family sizes mean many of these women are unable to access an education and live in extreme poverty.

Marie Stopes International is one of the main NGOs working in this space – increasing access to contraception and safe abortions, and helping women to have more of a say over their lives and futures, in 37 countries worldwide.

When their marketing team first approached us (in the early 2000s), one of their big challenges was that they were using quite technical language to talk about their work (which was more appropriate for sector reports but less so for wider comms.)

So we set about establishing a more engaging tone of voice – stripping away the jargon and shining more of a light on their values and transformative approach. It was a big leap forward, but well received across the organisation (we developed some guidelines and ran some training to get people on board).

I’ve worked with All Things Words on a wide range of copywriting projects. And without exception they’ve delivered high quality work, given great service and been easy to work with. If you want a copywriter that can help make your words work harder, I’d recommend you work with All Things Words.”

Chris Duncan, Marie Stopes International

Since developing MSI’s new tone of voice, we’ve applied their new way of talking across high-level web copy.

We’ve worked on service pages, to give practical information to women seeking an abortion here in the UK.

Read our copy

We’ve told the stories of women in developing countries, to highlight what it means to them to have access to contraception for the first time.

Read our copy

We’ve also lent a hand with more technical documents, like Global Impact Reports.

And written internal publications, including the Little Blue Book (a 75-page pocket-sized publication that gives a snapshot of the business to all new starters).